Showing Participants In Host Search

In this article, we'll be showing you how you can enable participants to be found by hosts when they log into the host portal and use the search function.

Toggling 'Show In Host Search' on an individual participant

When logged in as an admin:

  1. Navigate to a participants application.

  2. At the very top of the page you will see a button 'Show In Host Search'.

  3. Click on 'Show In Host Search'

This will show this participant to the host families that are able to view participants that are on this particular program.

To learn more about controlling what programs hosts can see participants from click here.

Toggle 'Show In Host Search' on a multiple participants at the same time

When logged in as an admin:

  1. From the menu, click Participants > Applications.

  2. Use the filters to narrow down the list of participants to the ones that you want to toggle.

  3. On each of the rows in the table, use the checkbox to select all of the participants you want to toggle.

  4. Click on 'Application Actions'.

  5. Click 'Set Search Visibility' and choose the relevant option.

  6. Click Change.

  7. Good job!! 🥳

Last updated